Video of Senate meeting that includes HB 1755.
Save the Texas Dune Buggy, Sandrail & Kitcar
We are here to amend Administrative Rule 217.3
Video of Senate meeting that includes HB 1755.
86(R)1755 & companion bill 86(R)1462 have been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Transportation Committee Friday May 17th, 2019. The meeting starts at 8:00AM.
TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM, Friday, May 17, 2019
PLACE: E1.016 (Hearing Room)
CHAIR: Senator Robert Nichols
This is it! Friday will be the very last time that we will be able to do ANYTHING to move our bill down the line in person. I have asked a few people to speak at the hearing, but do not want a huge list of people to do so. If we get repetitive or go on to long we will do far more harm than good!
However, when we attended the House Transportation Meeting it spoke VOLUMES when large group politely stood up and walked out after we were done. So if you are able to attend, PLEASE Make the time to do so, as I said our large group being in attendance had a VERY large impact with the House Transportation Committee!
TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM, Friday, May 17, 2019
PLACE: E1.016 (Hearing Room)
CHAIR: Senator Robert Nichols
Yesterday, I drove to Austin so that Matt Jackson of the YouTube Channel,VW Life could interview me concerning our efforts with Save the Texas Dune Buggy, Sandrail, and Kitcar.
Matt is a really nice guy & I appreciate him wanting to help get the word out!
Yesterday, I drove to Austin so that Matt Jackson of the YouTube Channel,VW Life could interview me concerning our efforts with Save the Texas Dune Buggy, Sandrail, and Kitcar. Matt is a really nice guy & I appreciate him wanting to help get the word out!PLEASE SHARE THIS POST!!!
Posted by Faron Smith on Tuesday, April 30, 2019
The see bill 86(R) HB-1755[]( To see how our bill processed through the House []( Who & how they voted[]( Actual Amendment for "Former Military Vehicles" Amendment No. 1 Representative Canales offered the following amendment to HBi1755: Amend HBi1755 on third reading by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly: SECTIONi____.iiSection 501.035(b), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (b)iiIn this section, "former military vehicle" has the meaning assigned by Section 502.001 [504.502(i)]. SECTIONi____.iiSection 502.001, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Subdivision (17-a) to read as follows: (17-a) "Former military vehicle" means a vehicle, including a trailer, that: (A)iiwas manufactured for use in any country s military forces; and ’ (B)iiis not operated on continuous tracks. SECTIONi____.iiSubchapter D, Chapter 502, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Section 502.141 to read as follows: Thursday, April 11, 2019 HOUSE JOURNAL — 44th Day 1517 Sec.i502.141.iiOFF-HIGHWAY FORMER MILITARY VEHICLES. (a) Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (c), a person may not register a former military vehicle designated for off-highway use, with or without design alterations, for operation on a public highway. (b)iiA former military vehicle may be registered for on-road use if the vehicle: (1)iiis a high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle designated for off-highway use; and (2)iihas a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 10,000 pounds. (c)iiA former military vehicle issued specialty license plates under Section 504.502 may be operated on a public highway in accordance with that section. SECTIONi____.iiSection 504.502(i), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (i)iiIn this section, "former military vehicle" means a vehicle, including a trailer, regardless of the vehicle s size, weight, or year of manufacture, that: ’ (1)iiwas manufactured for use in any country s military forces; [and ’ ] (2)iiis maintained to represent its military design and markings accurately; and (3)iiis not operated on continuous tracks. Amendment No. 1 was adopted. HB 1755, as amended, was passed by (Record 293): 144 Yeas, 0 Nays, 3 Present, not voting.
Posted by Faron Smith on Tuesday, April 16, 2019
The see bill 86(R) HB-1755
To see how our bill processed through the House
Who & how they voted Actual Amendment for “Former Military Vehicles” Amendment No. 1 Representative Canales offered the following amendment to HBi1755: Amend HBi1755 on third reading by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly: SECTIONi____.iiSection 501.035(b), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (b)iiIn this section, “former military vehicle” has the meaning assigned by Section 502.001 [504.502(i)]. SECTIONi____.iiSection 502.001, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Subdivision (17-a) to read as follows: (17-a) “Former military vehicle” means a vehicle, including a trailer, that: (A)iiwas manufactured for use in any country s military forces; and ’ (B)iiis not operated on continuous tracks. SECTIONi____.iiSubchapter D, Chapter 502, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Section 502.141 to read as follows: Thursday, April 11, 2019 HOUSE JOURNAL — 44th Day 1517 Sec.i502.141.iiOFF-HIGHWAY FORMER MILITARY VEHICLES. (a) Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (c), a person may not register a former military vehicle designated for off-highway use, with or without design alterations, for operation on a public highway. (b)iiA former military vehicle may be registered for on-road use if the vehicle: (1)iiis a high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle designated for off-highway use; and (2)iihas a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 10,000 pounds. (c)iiA former military vehicle issued specialty license plates under Section 504.502 may be operated on a public highway in accordance with that section. SECTIONi____.iiSection 504.502(i), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (i)iiIn this section, “former military vehicle” means a vehicle, including a trailer, regardless of the vehicle s size, weight, or year of manufacture, that: ’ (1)iiwas manufactured for use in any country s military forces; [and ’ ] (2)iiis maintained to represent its military design and markings accurately; and (3)iiis not operated on continuous tracks. Amendment No. 1 was adopted. HB 1755, as amended, was passed by (Record 293): 144 Yeas, 0 Nays, 3 Present, not voting.
Today was a REALLY BIG DAY for us!
86(R) HB-1755 being voted out of the House unanimously was a HUGE step in the right direction! To some of the new members it looks as though this has been an easy and fairly short process. But the reality is we have been working on this since April of 2017. We started our Facebook page later on August 12th, 2017. (WE GROW IN NUMBERS BECAUSE OF SHARES, PLEASE SHARE THIS POST!) We tried to work with the Texas DMV but after months of frustration attending Working Group Meetings and Texas DMV Board Meetings, it was clear this was not the path that would get us the end result we all want. So we decided that working with Legislation was the only way to accomplish our goal of getting our Assembled Vehicles back on the roads in Texas. Legally! It took us a while to find the right House member to work with us, but we were fortunate to have House Representative Ed Thompson represent us, and he brought along a few of his friends! PLEASE take the time to sit down and write each of them a handwritten THANK YOU Note. Here are their address.
Representative Thompson
PO Box 2910
Room 1N.7
Austin, Texas 78768
Representative WuPO
Box 2910
Room GW.4
Austin, Texas 78768
Representative VanDeaver
PO Box 2910
Room E1.310
Austin, Texas 78768
Representative Krause
PO Box 2910
Room – E1-420
Austin, Texas 78768
Representative Flynn
PO Box 2910
Room – 1N.10
Austin, Texas 78768
We also had Co. Authors.
Representative Burnes
Representative Lambert
Representative Martinez
Representative Olverson
Representative White
The process of a bill, has seven Steps. (What they don’t tell you is that some steps have… sub-steps)
If you would like more details on the process, please check here.
Let me say this one more time, 86(R) HB-1755 was voted out of the House unanimously. But we still have a ways to go, and we need your continued support! We have a Lobbyist that has worked hard to get us to this point & we need to keep him working with us. We have a goal to reach every month and I will say that it is easier to reach. But we really need to continue to send in those donations! (ALL FUNDS RAISED GO TO HELP SUPPORT THE CAUSE) PayPal –
Also if you would like to send our Lobbyist a handwritten Thank You Letter please send them to Ron Hinkle, Po Box 11664, Austin, Texas 78711
Half way there!!! On to the Senate next! So stoked! Thanks Faron Smith and Ron Hinkle!!
We are up and running, Our bill has now been introduced in both the Texas State House as well as the Senate!
You can google them.
86(R) HB-1755 Representative Thompson District 29
86(R) SB-1462 Senator Hughes District 1
As many of you know HB-1755 is the bill that House Representative Ed Thompson has introduced to help correct Administrative 217.3. You may also know that Texas Legislation is currently in session and that the next step in the process is for our bill to be heard by
the House Transportation Committee. At that time public testimony is almost always solicited on bills; allowing citizens the opportunity to present arguments on different sides of an issue.
When a House Committee holds a public hearing during a legislative session they must post a notice of 5 days before the hearing. What that means to you and I is that we will get 5 calendar
days to plan to be at the hearing where bill HB 1755 is read for the first time. If you want to join us, you had better get your Sunday go to Meeting clothes ready now. (I will wear a Suit & Tie)
The House Transportation Committee consists of 13 Members. Below I have listed all of the Members on that Committee, the District they are in & the Counties they represent. We are not limiting people from joining us, but it would be nice to have people that they represent in attendance. It is not prudent to have a ton of people talk as time is limited, but we will decide who fits our narrative best when we get a list of people who can attend the hearing when it is scheduled.
Texas House of Representatives Transportation Committee.
Chair – Terry Canales (Democrat) – District 40 – Hidalgo (Part)
Vise Chair – Brooks Landgraf (Republican) – District 81 – Andrews, Winkler, Ector
Diego Bernal (Democrat) – District 123 – Bexar
Yvonne Davis (Democrat) – District 111 – Dallas (Part)
Craig Goldman (Republican) – District 97 – Tarrant (Part)
Cole Hefner (Republican) – District 5 – Camp, Morris, Rains, Smith (Part), Titus, Wood
Matt Krause (Republican) – District 93 – Tarrant (Part)
Ben Leman (Republican) – District 13 – Austin, Burlson, Colorado, Fayette, Grimes, Lavaca, Washington
Armando Martinez (Democrat) – District 39 – Hidalgo (Part)
Evelina “Lina” Ortega (Democrat) – District 77 – El Paso
John Raney (Republican) – District – 14 – Brazos
Shawn Thierry (Democrat) – District 146 – Harris (Part)
Ed Thompson (Republican) – District 29 – Brazoria
In addition, if you live in any of the above districts please email me your Name, City/County you live in & your Phone Number so that we can compile a list for each where they have constituents living in their specific District.
Today we took a little trip up to Austin to sit in on the Senate Transportation Committee Hearing. They never once mentioned Save the Texas Dune Buggy, Sandrail & Kitcar, or The Assembled Vehicles Coalition. That’s okay, as we didn’t expect them to at this point. But they did see us in the room, and it looked like a couple of people had a pretty good idea who we were.
Kuntz & Brewster were both in attendance & even spoke a little, but again it had nothing to do with our issue.
We may not have heard anything to do with bill HB-1755, but we did hear a couple of VERY interesting statements.
One Executive for TxDOT spoke of the dangers & even deaths due to situations like Impaired Driving, Distracted Driving, Driver inattention, Following too Close, Disregarding a Stop Sign or Signal Light, & Speeding. But never once did he make mention of a Dune Buggy, Sandrail, Kitcar, or ANY specific Vehicle for that matter as being dangerous.
We also heard the Executive Director of TxDOT talk about how a SEATBELT is so important in regards to the SAFETY of a vehicle. He went on and on about how a SEATBELT was the most important SAFETY device that is employed on a vehicle & NEVER once did he mention anything about how an airbag helped in regards to the safety of a vehicle.
That being said…… Keep in mind that the TxDMV, TADA, and others are reading what you write. Does the Dune Buggy, Sandrail, or Kitcar that you want to legally Title/Register in Texas have proper Seatbelts in it? As for me, I don’t even have a Rolling Chassis at the moment. But I have a set of 4 point Seatbelts that I plan to install when this is all over.
What we as a collective group are trying to accomplish, is an attempt at a “Grassroots Movement”. The reason that we have seen such success to this point, is that as a group we have worked together to reach a common goal & we will continue to see the same success if we follow the same path.
This was the first month in a long time that I did not have to worry if we were going to be able to raise the monthly goal to pay the Lobbyist who has been able to get us this far! For me to singularly say Thank You, is simply not enough. We have to understand that when I say Thank You, the reality is that is a Thank You to one another in our “Grassroots Effort”, for your work, for your continued donations.
By definition, a “Grassroots Movement” is when a group of people come together via a district/region, or common interest to correct the negative effects of an economic or even political movement. “Grassroots Movements” use a call to action (if you will) in an effort to invoke a change to local, regional, or even a national level.
It is understood that it feels like we have been sitting on our hands for a while, but I feel that is about to change. We just have to wait for the right time, as there is a VERY fine line between being productive & being a pest.
So again, THANK YOU for your continued support, and continued donations. February’s monthly goal has been sent off, now its time to start worrying about the Monthly goal for March! Again, Thank You!
This is the moment, that we have all been waiting for! Our bill has been introduced by Representative Ed Thompson of House District 29. The bill number is 86 (R) HB1755 , just click the link and you will be able to read it. Rep. Thompson is VERY enthusiastic about our bill, especially after reading some of the transcripts of the Board Meeting that we have attended.
We are still in talks with a couple of Senate Members, but we haven’t narrowed it down to just one member to introduce our bill to the Texas State Senate as of the close of business today!
Good Morning! It is time that I take a moment to write another Really Long informative post as I have been getting a few questions about the upcoming Rally on October 25th, 2018.
The Host Hotel will be the Hilton Garden Inn, that is about a 15 to 20-minute drive to the Capitol Building. We reserved 20 rooms for the event, and if you mention that you are with the Save the Texas Dune Buggy Group the room will be $129.00 per night plus tax. They have a nice lobby with a bar where we can all get together and hang out. They also have a nice outside area if the weather is nice. A lot of people have committed to showing up Wednesday the 24th. Some will leave Thursday the 25th after the Rally, but we will have an event planned for all the way through Saturday Evening! (We will post the schedule once everything is fully planned.) As for parking at the hotel, I was told that the front portion would be reserved for us. However, I am not holding my breath that is 100% true, as the Sales-Manager was not happy agreeing to that. There is parking for those of you who have trailers, but as with anything NOTHNG is guaranteed. We did the best we could. There are other hotels in the General area, we will get info on them as well.
Hilton Garden Inn
7610 John Glenn Way
Austin, Texas 78741
On the 25th we will hold the Rally on the Texas State Capitol Lawn in Austin. The reason for doing the Rally will be to invite Legislators to learn more about Dune Buggies, Sandrails, & Kitcars & why they should not be banned from LEGAL Title & Registration in Texas, or any state for that matter. The Rally will start promptly at 10:00 A.M. and will end at 11:00AM. There will be a list of speakers, but the people most of us really want to see is Bruce & Winnie Meyers.
Texas State Capitol
1100 Congress Ave.
Austin, Texas 78701
It is unfortunate, but the State Preservation Board does not allow for vehicles to be parked in the area where the Rally will take place. However, we can pay to have the State put a bag over the Parking Meters. There are 24 Parking Meters on the South Side of the Capitol Building (That would be considered the front to me) & 50 along the West Side. If you would like one of these spaces, we are going to have to ask that you cover the $15.00 for the day fee the State will charge us. Please let us know ASAP so that we can reserve them. We will also ask that you be open to letting people sit in your vehicle and give Legislators rides if they ask. However, it is your vehicle do what makes you comfortable. IF you do give a Legislator a ride, it is 100% imperative that you obey ALL TRAFFIC LAWS.
There is a large Parking Garage to the East side of the Capitol Building. We are not 100% sure that it is possible to pull a trailer in there, we will be doing a lot of scouting around Austin Wednesday & will let you know Thursday morning.
If you come here from out of state and your vehicle is Titled/Registered in a state other than Texas. You are perfectly legal, and should not have a problem with the law, unless you act a fool and break our traffic laws.
If you are a Texas Resident and are Grandfathered in, you should be safe. If you are a Texas Resident and you are not 100% legal, you are subject to a little trouble. Possibly, but who knows for sure! There is no way to know what will, or could happen & we will not & cannot tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. Basically, you have 3 options. 1. Be ultra-bold and drive your Vehicle to the event knowing that you are in fact taking a risk. 2. Bring your Vehicle on a trailer and pull your vehicle off to put it in a Parking Place. Or finally 3. Leave your Buggy on the trailer showing Legislators the Strong Statement that vehicles from other states are here to support our cause & are perfectly legal & able to enjoy freedoms in their home state. While the State of Texas is reducing the freedoms of its citizens.
The Rally itself will be held the morning of October the 25th, and we will schedule fun for the rest of the day. But that is not where the fun will end. We will have fun scheduled for the Friday 26th, as well as Saturday the 27th. The schedule is not complete as of right now, we will post up the full schedule as soon as everything is finalized.
Time to bring this to a close. The Rally to be held Thursday October 25th is very important to our cause. As Texans we should be THANKFUL that people have already committed to joining us at the Rally from out of state. Listen up Texans, this has the most immediate effect on you as a Assembled Vehicle Owner, PLEASE take the time to join us at the RALLY! We cannot stress enough that it is REALLY IMPORTANT that we have a large crowd in attendance!
We just finished up the application to the Texas State Preservation Board asking for permission to use the South Steps of the Capitol Grounds. The event will be held in late October, and we will need HIGH Attendance in order to make it worth our while. This will be a 3 day event and we will do all we can to make it worth the effort of driving in for the event. As soon as the Preservation Board gives us the okay I will post up the Schedule. I am sorry this is all the information we can give you at this time!