I am fairly confident that anyone who takes the time to read this, is fairly up to date as to where we are at in the process. But for just in case purposes I will give a quick rundown.
The bill that we worked so hard on, was signed by Governor Abbott on June 14th, 2019 signing HB1755 into law. As exciting as that is we are not finished, and we still have work to do. The fine details have yet to be worked out during the Rule Making Process & we still need to fight for Sandrails. It would be nice if we could tell you when or how that process was going to happen, but we are not sure as of the time this is being written. What we do know is that the rules need to be complete, and the Law goes into effect September 1, 2019.
In the photos you will see that I have signed another contract with our Lobbyist Ron, because I am confident that we need his experience, guidance, as well as contacts to make sure that the Rule Making Process goes as smooth as possible. As of July 1st, 2017 Ron is back on the clock for us and we will need to continue to raise funds to reach our monthly goal of $2500.00 a month. But that will end August 31, 2019. I did send some funds to help catch us up to date seeing as we were behind on payments, but we are still behind. So please donate what you can, when you can. As I have said from the beginning, a little, plus a little, equals a lot!
If you would like to donate please goto PayPal & send a donation to faron@savethetexasdunebuggy.com As a side note, all funds go to help Save the Texas Dune Buggy, Sandrail, & Kitcar.
My wife Melissa says that if I don’t get rid of the last of these Save the Texas Dune Buggy, Sandrail, and Kitcar, T-Shirts, Hats, & Stickers she is going to put lumps all over my head!
Here’s what we have in stock & I do not plan to order more!
T-Shirts $20.00 each 15 – Large 11- X-Large 5 – XX-Large Black Trucker Hats – $25.00 Each 2 – Black with Lime Green Image SOLD OUT! – Black with Red Image And a bunch of Stickers $7.00 each If you buy a T-Shirt & a Trucker Hat the price is $40.00 & I will put a Sticker in the package! If you want to buy any of this please donate via PayPal, the account is faron@savethetexasdunebuggy.com Just make sure that you put the size of T-Shirt or the color of Image you would like on your Black Trucker Hat. PLEASE Help and know that the ALL the proceeds will go to help fund Save the Texas Dune Buggy, Sandrail, & Kitcar.
Yes, we still need to raise funds. In the beginning we were unable to come up with all the money each month so there is a deficit & we continue to need the Services of the Hired Lobbyist to get us through the Rule Making Process.
86(R)1755 & companion bill 86(R)1462 have been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Transportation Committee Friday May 17th, 2019. The meeting starts at 8:00AM.
TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM, Friday, May 17, 2019
PLACE: E1.016 (Hearing Room) CHAIR: Senator Robert Nichols
This is it! Friday will be the very last time that we will be able to do ANYTHING to move our bill down the line in person. I have asked a few people to speak at the hearing, but do not want a huge list of people to do so. If we get repetitive or go on to long we will do far more harm than good!
However, when we attended the House Transportation Meeting it spoke VOLUMES when large group politely stood up and walked out after we were done. So if you are able to attend, PLEASE Make the time to do so, as I said our large group being in attendance had a VERY large impact with the House Transportation Committee!
TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM, Friday, May 17, 2019 PLACE: E1.016 (Hearing Room) CHAIR: Senator Robert Nichols
May 15th, 2019 about 1:30GREAT NEWS!!!86(R)1755 & companion bill 86(R)1462 have been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Transportation Committee Friday May 17th, 2019. The meeting starts at 8:00AM. TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM, Friday, May 17, 2019 PLACE: E1.016 (Hearing Room) CHAIR: Senator Robert Nichols PLEASE STOP MAKING CALLS TO ANYONE IN THE CAPITOL BUILDING! This is it! Friday will be the very last time that we will be able to do ANYTHING to move our bill down the line in person. I have asked a few people to speak at the hearing, but do not want a huge list of people to do so. If we get repetitive or go on to long we will do far more harm than good! However, when we attended the House Transportation Meeting it spoke VOLUMES when large group politely stood up and walked out after we were done. So if you are able to attend, PLEASE Make the time to do so, as I said our large group being in attendance had a VERY large impact with the House Transportation Committee! PLEASE MAKE THE TIME TO JOIN US AT THE CAPITOL BUILDING FRIDAY MAY 17th, 2019 MEETING STARTS AT 8:00 AM. TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM, Friday, May 17, 2019 PLACE: E1.016 (Hearing Room) CHAIR: Senator Robert Nichols
Yesterday, I drove to Austin so that Matt Jackson of the YouTube Channel,VW Life could interview me concerning our efforts with Save the Texas Dune Buggy, Sandrail, and Kitcar.
Matt is a really nice guy & I appreciate him wanting to help get the word out!
Yesterday, I drove to Austin so that Matt Jackson of the YouTube Channel,VW Life could interview me concerning our efforts with Save the Texas Dune Buggy, Sandrail, and Kitcar. Matt is a really nice guy & I appreciate him wanting to help get the word out!PLEASE SHARE THIS POST!!!
I understand that I am being a bit of a NAG, but it is VERY important that Chairman Nichols hears from a LARGE Number of us. That way he will understand that SB 1462 passing is VERY Important and want to put it on the Schedule for a hearing! He probably will not be around to pick up the phone today, but we can fill his voicemail and his email. Here is what you need to say.
Chairman Nichols, Please consider setting HB 1755 for a hearing. The companion to SB 1462, HB1755 by Ed Thompson adopts and codifies rules to provide for titling, registration, and inspection of certain assembled vehicles. Current DMV rules are unclear and contradictory, causing many Texans to keep vehicles off the road that had been legal for years.
The Good News is that we have reached our Monthly goal of $2500 that it takes to fund Save the Texas Dune Buggy, Sandrail, & Kitcar. From the $10.00 to the $100.00 and more donations, THANK YOU! We continue to prove that a little, plus a little, equals a lot. Again, Thank You!
The Not so Good news is that HB 1755/SB 1462 are NOT SET for the May 1st Senate Transportation Committee Hearing. The unfortunate part is that there are only a few more hearings before the end of this legislative session. What does this mean for YOU, yes EVEN YOU! We have got to inundate Chairman Nichols Voicemail as well as email with our requests to have SB 1462 and companion to HB 1755 in the hearing held on May 8th. Make sure that you are civil an kind when you speak, that is how we have been from the beginning & how we need to continue to be. You do represent a large group when you call, so be cool.
Here is what you need to say in a nutshell. Chairman Nichols, Please consider setting HB 1755 for a hearing. The companion to SB 1462, HB1755 by Ed Thompson adopts and codifies rules to provide for titling, registration, and inspection of certain assembled vehicles. Current DMV rules are unclear and contradictory, causing many Texans to keep vehicles off the road that had been legal for years. Chairman Nichols https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=3&lang=en (512) 463-0103 (TEL) (800) 959-8633 (TOLL-FREE)
Good News & Bad News 4-25-2019 5:30PMThe Good News is that we have reached our Monthly goal of $2500. that it takes to fund Save the Texas Dune Buggy, Sandrail, & Kitcar. From the $10.00 to the $100.00 and more donations, THANK YOU! We continue to prove that a little, plus a little, equals a lot. Again, Thank You!The Not so Good news is that HB 1755/SB 1462 are NOT SET for the May 1st Senate Transportation Committee Hearing. The unfortunate part is that there are only a few more hearings before the end of this legislative session. What does this mean for YOU, yes EVEN YOU! We have got to inundate Chairman Nichols Voicemail as well as email with our requests to have SB 1462 and companion to HB 1755 in the hearing held on May 8th. Make sure that you are civil an kind when you speak, that is how we have been from the beginning & how we need to continue to be. You do represent a large group when you call, so be cool. Here is what you need to say in a nutshell. Chairman Nichols, Please consider setting HB 1755 for a hearing. The companion to SB 1462, HB1755 by Ed Thompson adopts and codifies rules to provide for titling, registration, and inspection of certain assembled vehicles. Current DMV rules are unclear and contradictory, causing many Texans to keep vehicles off the road that had been legal for years. Chairman Nichols [https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=3&lang=en](https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=3&lang=en) (512) 463-0103 **(TEL)**(800) 959-8633 **(TOLL-FREE)** Click on link to get to his email His Twitter Handle [https://twitter.com/SenatorNichols](https://twitter.com/SenatorNichols)
PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO!This link will help keep you up to date as what stage our bill is in. It looks like there are only 7 stages, what they don't show are the multiple steps to go from one stage to the next! [https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/BillStages.aspx?LegSess=86R&Bill=SB1462](https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/BillStages.aspx?LegSess=86R&Bill=SB1462)Senator Hughes of District 1 who filed & is representing SB1462.[https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=1](https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=1)Members of the Senate Transportation CommitteeChairmanSenator Nichols of District 3 [https://www.senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=3](https://www.senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=3) Vice-ChairSenator Hancock of District 9 [https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=9](https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=9)MembersSenator Alvarado of District 6[https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=6](https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=6)Senator Hinojosa of Dist 20[https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=20](https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=20) Senator Kolkhorst of District 18[https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=18](https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=18) Senator Perry of District 28[https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=28](https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=28)Senator Rodriguez of District 29[https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=29](https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=29)Senator Schwertner of District 5[https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=5](https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=5)Senator West of District 23[https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=23](https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=23)
Posted by Faron Smith on Wednesday, April 17, 2019
The see bill 86(R) HB-1755[https://legiscan.com/TX/text/HB1755/2019](https://legiscan.com/TX/text/HB1755/2019) To see how our bill processed through the House [https://legiscan.com/TX/bill/HB1755/2019](https://legiscan.com/TX/bill/HB1755/2019) Who & how they voted[https://legiscan.com/TX/rollcall/HB1755/id/842173](https://legiscan.com/TX/rollcall/HB1755/id/842173) Actual Amendment for "Former Military Vehicles" Amendment No. 1 Representative Canales offered the following amendment to HBi1755: Amend HBi1755 on third reading by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly: SECTIONi____.iiSection 501.035(b), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (b)iiIn this section, "former military vehicle" has the meaning assigned by Section 502.001 [504.502(i)]. SECTIONi____.iiSection 502.001, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Subdivision (17-a) to read as follows: (17-a) "Former military vehicle" means a vehicle, including a trailer, that: (A)iiwas manufactured for use in any country s military forces; and ’ (B)iiis not operated on continuous tracks. SECTIONi____.iiSubchapter D, Chapter 502, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Section 502.141 to read as follows: Thursday, April 11, 2019 HOUSE JOURNAL — 44th Day 1517 Sec.i502.141.iiOFF-HIGHWAY FORMER MILITARY VEHICLES. (a) Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (c), a person may not register a former military vehicle designated for off-highway use, with or without design alterations, for operation on a public highway. (b)iiA former military vehicle may be registered for on-road use if the vehicle: (1)iiis a high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle designated for off-highway use; and (2)iihas a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 10,000 pounds. (c)iiA former military vehicle issued specialty license plates under Section 504.502 may be operated on a public highway in accordance with that section. SECTIONi____.iiSection 504.502(i), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (i)iiIn this section, "former military vehicle" means a vehicle, including a trailer, regardless of the vehicle s size, weight, or year of manufacture, that: ’ (1)iiwas manufactured for use in any country s military forces; [and ’ ] (2)iiis maintained to represent its military design and markings accurately; and (3)iiis not operated on continuous tracks. Amendment No. 1 was adopted. HB 1755, as amended, was passed by (Record 293): 144 Yeas, 0 Nays, 3 Present, not voting.
The see bill 86(R) HB-1755 https://legiscan.com/TX/text/HB1755/2019 To see how our bill processed through the House https://legiscan.com/TX/bill/HB1755/2019 Who & how they voted https://legiscan.com/TX/rollcall/HB1755/id/842173 Actual Amendment for “Former Military Vehicles” Amendment No. 1 Representative Canales offered the following amendment to HBi1755: Amend HBi1755 on third reading by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly: SECTIONi____.iiSection 501.035(b), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (b)iiIn this section, “former military vehicle” has the meaning assigned by Section 502.001 [504.502(i)]. SECTIONi____.iiSection 502.001, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Subdivision (17-a) to read as follows: (17-a) “Former military vehicle” means a vehicle, including a trailer, that: (A)iiwas manufactured for use in any country s military forces; and ’ (B)iiis not operated on continuous tracks. SECTIONi____.iiSubchapter D, Chapter 502, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Section 502.141 to read as follows: Thursday, April 11, 2019 HOUSE JOURNAL — 44th Day 1517 Sec.i502.141.iiOFF-HIGHWAY FORMER MILITARY VEHICLES. (a) Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (c), a person may not register a former military vehicle designated for off-highway use, with or without design alterations, for operation on a public highway. (b)iiA former military vehicle may be registered for on-road use if the vehicle: (1)iiis a high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle designated for off-highway use; and (2)iihas a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 10,000 pounds. (c)iiA former military vehicle issued specialty license plates under Section 504.502 may be operated on a public highway in accordance with that section. SECTIONi____.iiSection 504.502(i), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (i)iiIn this section, “former military vehicle” means a vehicle, including a trailer, regardless of the vehicle s size, weight, or year of manufacture, that: ’ (1)iiwas manufactured for use in any country s military forces; [and ’ ] (2)iiis maintained to represent its military design and markings accurately; and (3)iiis not operated on continuous tracks. Amendment No. 1 was adopted. HB 1755, as amended, was passed by (Record 293): 144 Yeas, 0 Nays, 3 Present, not voting.
86(R) HB-1755 being voted out of the House unanimously was a HUGE step in the right direction! To some of the new members it looks as though this has been an easy and fairly short process. But the reality is we have been working on this since April of 2017. We started our Facebook page later on August 12th, 2017. (WE GROW IN NUMBERS BECAUSE OF SHARES, PLEASE SHARE THIS POST!) We tried to work with the Texas DMV but after months of frustration attending Working Group Meetings and Texas DMV Board Meetings, it was clear this was not the path that would get us the end result we all want. So we decided that working with Legislation was the only way to accomplish our goal of getting our Assembled Vehicles back on the roads in Texas. Legally! It took us a while to find the right House member to work with us, but we were fortunate to have House Representative Ed Thompson represent us, and he brought along a few of his friends! PLEASE take the time to sit down and write each of them a handwritten THANK YOU Note. Here are their address.
Representative Thompson PO Box 2910 Room 1N.7 Austin, Texas 78768
Let me say this one more time, 86(R) HB-1755 was voted out of the House unanimously. But we still have a ways to go, and we need your continued support! We have a Lobbyist that has worked hard to get us to this point & we need to keep him working with us. We have a goal to reach every month and I will say that it is easier to reach. But we really need to continue to send in those donations! (ALL FUNDS RAISED GO TO HELP SUPPORT THE CAUSE) PayPal – Faron@savethetexasdunebuggy.com Also if you would like to send our Lobbyist a handwritten Thank You Letter please send them to Ron Hinkle, Po Box 11664, Austin, Texas 78711
First and foremost, we would like to Thank each and every one of you who took the time to attend the House Transportation Committee Hearing Wednesday, March 20th, 2019. We also need to Thank those of you who stood up and gave your testimony, as each was a valuable tool in moving forward. Overall today was a GREAT step forward in the process of getting our vehicles back on Texas roads LEGALLY, as well as setting an example to other states who are looking to make the same mistake Texas has in “outlawing” Assembled Vehicles.
There really is no need in going into great detail as to what was seen in the hearing today. Bottom line, the Transportation Committee made the decision to send HB-1755 to the next step in the process. Next Wednesday, March 27, 2019, the House Transportation Committee will vote for or against HB-1755 being sent to the House Floor for the House to vote on. Once the House has voted in favor of HB-1755, we will start the whole process over with the Senate. Once the Senate has voted in favor of the bill, the DMV will work with us in order to come up with a way for the new Law to be a process towards Assembled Vehicles enjoying their vehicles the way the owner intended. To put it mildly, there are still more than a few steps left in this process. So we continue to fight for our right to enjoy the very vehicle we are so passionate about. Yesterday was another mark in the win column in this very long process.
Have we got some incredible news for everyone! Wednesday, March 20th,
2019 at the Texas State Capitol Building. Our bill will be heard in a
Public Hearing. We have lined up a few people that we feel will give a
compelling, well thought out, & unified testimony that will work
towards our benefit. We have every subcategory (Dune Buggy, Sandrail
& Kitcar) represented as the goal from the start was to pave a way
that we could all get back on the roads of Texas legally. We would
ask more people to give their testimony, but there is a very fine line
between a productive group & pain in the neck who is taking up to
much precious time. You may not have been asked to give your
testimony but it is very important that we have a LARGE Group Join us at
the Capitol. It is IMPORTANT that the House Reps on the Transportation
Committee see a large number of VOTERS or Constituents in the audience,
as it shows them that this is important to a LARGE GROUP OF PEOPLE. Transportation Committee – Public Hearing Wednesday, March 20th – Meeting starts at approximately 2:00PM Texas State Capitol Building – Room E2-030
We are up and running, Our bill has now been introduced in both the Texas State House as well as the Senate! You can google them. 86(R) HB-1755 Representative Thompson District 29 86(R) SB-1462 Senator Hughes District 1
This is an
example of what was used to talk to Legislators about Assembled Vehicles.
This was posted in hopes that it will help get into more detail of the bill
that has been introduced, you can research the actual rule by googling.
86(R) HB-1755 Representative Thompson District 29 86(R) SB-1462 Senator Hughes District 1
If you would like to make a Donation, please the link below.
1. What is the purpose of the proposed legislation?
The proposed
legislation is to create a new section of the Texas Transportation Code that
defines Assembled Vehicles and how these vehicles would be regulated by the
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles. The new section of the Transportation
Code will provide definitions of Dune Buggies, Sandrail & Kitcars to ALL be
defined as Assembled Vehicles, to describe and define the legal ability for a
hobbyist to assemble the vehicle, the definition and methodology to have the
vehicle legally inspected by a certified state inspector, the method by which
the vehicle is tiled and registered, and the appropriate fees that accompany
titles and fees for Assembled Vehicles.
2. What is the issue being addressed by this legislation?
The issue being addressed by the legislation is to provide clarity
in the law as to what is an Assembled Vehicle. Currently, an Assembled Vehicle
is defined only in the TxDMV manual, not in statute, yet there are state
inspection forms that accompany an Assembled Vehicle to be used for the ability
to gain a title, registration through the normal DMV/DPS process. As a
result of the lack of clarification, Kitcar companies and those customers that
assemble kitcars and Dune Buggies & Sandrails, that have had their vehicles
legally inspected, have received proper insurance, and have in many cases received
title and registration, have had their title and registration revoked by the
In addition and to further complicate the issue, staff at TxDMV in 2014 proposed an Administrative Rule to essentially ban Dune Buggies from operating on Texas streets and roadways by deeming them as “off-road” vehicles. As a consequence, numerous private citizens that purchased Dune Buggies after 2014 were not aware of the administrative rule and only realized their investment was essentially worthless when they were unable to gain title and registration to operate Dune Buggies on streets and roadways, as has been the practice for over 50 years. Ironically, if a citizen had already purchased a Dune Buggy prior to the Administrative Rule and had the vehicle legally inspected, titled, and registered those vehicles remain legal to operate on streets and roadways.
And while Kitcars are not Dune Buggies but still in the Assembled
Vehicle class and have not been subject to an Administrative Rule banning their
operations, staff at the TxDMV have subjectively deemed some Kitcars as “on
track” vehicles, essentially race cars, and therefore deemed illegal to operate
on streets and roadways.
The rulings by the TxDMV is inconsistent and has caused great
confusion among Dune Buggy, Sandrail and Kitcar enthusiasts and parts suppliers
of those vehicles to a point where the TxDMV board announced in its August 16,
2018 board meeting that this matter is best for the legislature to handle.
3. Background (history)
The TxDMV first adopted a policy regarding Dune Buggies not being
eligible for Texas title in 2013 and published this policy on May 5, 2014. Any
applications for title for a Dune Buggy on or after this date are rejected and
any titles issued in error after this date are revoked. Dune buggy titles
issued prior to May 5, 2014, remain valid; however, they will not be issued a
subsequent title for any new purchasers. This decision was made in accordance
with Transportation Code, Section 502.048, which grants the authority to refuse
registration to any vehicle deemed unsafe (emphasis added). Any vehicle not
eligible for registration, unless otherwise specifically specified, is not
eligible for a Texas title.
According to department staff, they came to the conclusion that
Dune Buggies were unsafe for on-road operation based on a number of factors and
the experience of staff having reviewed numerous such vehicles over many years.
Staff at the TxDMV claim that they review each vehicle individually and do not
compare one type of vehicle to another, further claiming their observation has
been that these vehicles (stripped down, kits, or otherwise) are often lacking
basic, visually verifiable safety components such as windshields, wipers, or
their entire body. On more than one occasion, TxDMV staff claim they have seen
plastic water tanks used as the fuel cell. In an effort to limit some of the
subjectivity, Dune Buggies were deemed unsafe.
Subsequently, the TxDMV Board adopted Texas Administrative Rule on
March 6, 2015, which prohibited Dune Buggies from being eligible for title.
This is located in Texas Administrative Rule 217.3 (6) and reads (in part): (6) Not Eligible for Title. The following are not eligible for a Texas title
regardless of the vehicle’s previous title and/or registration in this or any
other jurisdiction.(B) Vehicles designed or determined by the
department to be a dune buggy;
In 8 months of participating in working groups with the TxDMV
staff and other interested parties, private citizens working as a group called
the Assembled Vehicle Coalition of Texas (AVCT) pointed out the flaws in
staff’s decisions in the types of vehicles staff illustrated as “not
safe”. TxDMV staff displayed vehicles that have been built from various
vehicles parts from junk yards (some vehicles built with 2×4 boards in one case
and an actual coffin with four wheels and a motor in another case). The
ACVT pointed out that Dune Buggies and Kitcars are not built from various
pieces from junk yards, 2×4 lumber, or coffins or any other junk vehicle part
but are legitimate, designed and well-known vehicles provided by Kitcar
companies located in Texas and around the United States and among Dune Buggy
enthusiasts all over the nation. Legitimate Kitcars and Dune Buggies use
Federal Motor Safety Vehicle Standard parts and pass certified ASE inspection accordingly.
As a point of reference, a Dune Buggy is a well-recognized vehicle that has
been a part of the American fabric of hobbyist vehicles since 1965 (the first
dune buggy was created by Bruce Meyers) and Dune Buggies have even been
previously featured for sale in Sears catalogs.
The TxDMV referred to vehicles not built by a known manufacturer
(Ford, GM, Toyota, etc.) as “frankencars” and have deemed them unsafe, with the
thought that these vehicles are made of vehicle parts shopped from junk
yards. This is far from the truth. The members of the AVCT pointed
out that there are already definitions of Assembled Vehicles and inspection
forms for assembled vehicles promulgated by the TxDMV and these Assembled
Vehicles do pass certified inspectors and are insured by major vehicle
insurance companies.
4. Related
“Custom vehicles”
and “Street Rods” are defined in Texas Transportation Code § 504.501 and are
closely related in description of an Assemble Vehicle found in the TxDMV
And when reading
these definition of an Assembled Vehicle it is obvious to the reader that these
definitions comport to the description of a Dune Buggy and kit car describing
as follows:
(iii) assembled from a kit even if a Manufacturer’s
Certificate of Origin or Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin is provided
(emphasis added).
Once legislation
is passed TxDMV staff would develop rules governing the new statutes on
Assembled Vehicles.
5. What
are the mechanics (how is this different from current law)?
The proposed legislation simply creates a new section of the
Transportation Code dedicated to Assembled Vehicles and clarifies what is an
Assembled Vehicle, the definition of what a Hobbyist is and what a Hobbyist is
not, clarifies the definition of an ASE (American Service Excellence) certified
vehicle inspector/technician and provides language regarding the method for
titles and registration with the appropriate fees. The inspection, title,
registration and fee process for Assembled Vehicles aligns with current law for
motor vehicles as defined in law so as not to provide any special
considerations in the importance of inspection, title, registration and
appropriate fees for those Assembled Vehicles.
It was acknowledged by TxDMV board members at the August 16, 2018
board meeting that when the Texas Legislature created statutes governing motor
vehicles it did so in the knowledge of regulating well-known manufacturers of
vehicles. It was further acknowledged that Kitcars or Dune Buggies were
not contemplated in the early creation of the Code. The board also
acknowledged that among the 27 million or more vehicles on the road today
Kitcars and Dune Buggies are a minute segment of the motor vehicle being driven
on Texas streets and roadways, and even these Assembled Vehicles are “fair
weather” vehicles not intended to be “every day” vehicles
6. Statistics
No statistics are
known or provided when requested regarding concerns communicated by TxDMV
Broader goals and messages?
In recent years,
federal law has recognized the Kitcar industry by passing H.R. 22 by Rep.
Green, D-Texas that allows companies to manufacture kit cars at a low volume
rate; the Kitcar companies can manufacture no more than 350 per year nationally
not more than 5,000 world-wide.
The broader
message is that these types of vehicles, be they Dune Buggies or Kitcars, are a
recognized and familiar vehicle in the United States and Texas statute should
reflect this reality and provide language regarding the proper regulation of
the vehicles for operation on Texas streets and roadways. Currently, 31
other states recognize these vehicles and have laws and policies governing
their assemblage, inspection, title, registration and appropriate fees.
8. Fiscal
With the ability of these inspected Assembled Vehicles to legally
operate on Texas streets and roadways the fiscal impact to the state will be as
follows: more revenue will be collected from title and registration fees
and license plates from assembled vehicles; parts for these assembled vehicles
from legitimate parts suppliers will continue to be sold; tax revenues from
additional gasoline sales for the vehicles will increase; some expected revenue
increases in hotel occupancy taxes and sales and beverage taxes will occur in
hotels and restaurants as these hobbyists tend to form clubs and have rallies
in Texas towns and cities on weekends at certain times of the year to meet and
enjoy the camaraderie that goes with these clubs; more insurance policies will
be sold by insurance companies that provide policies for Assembled Vehicles;
additional jobs created from Kitcar companies that choose to provide kits to
Kitcar and Dune Buggy enthusiasts.
Specific Impact?
The legislation
would provide clarity to the Transportation Code regarding a certain type of
vehicle that exists and is deemed safe and reliable for operation on Texas
streets and roadways.
Stakeholders/Support/Opposition (Who is or is not impacted)?
Strong support
will come from thousands of Texas private citizens who own kit cars and dune
buggies who are, in many cases, not able to operate their vehicle on Texas
streets and roadways as they have in the past. Strong support will come
from the vehicle parts suppliers both in Texas and around the nation that will
have an increase in this specific market segment to sell quality vehicle parts
to the enthusiasts. The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA, www.sema.org) will strongly support the
Early opposition
came from TxDMV staff, however, the TxDMV board rejected a proposed rule
seeking to clarify this issue and board members requested this matter be in the
hands of the Texas Legislature.
Lastly, the representative for the Assembled Vehicle Coalition of Texas specifically asked TxDMV staff if there are groups or individuals opposing assembled vehicles; if there are crash or inspection statistics supporting their claim that these vehicles are deemed unsafe; if any outside individual or group filed or otherwise voiced any complaints of Assembled Vehicles – the answer was negative that any of the above mentioned complaints were made. The Texas Association of Automobile Dealers has signaled their opposition to the bill before it was filed or reviewed.
Tom donated a few of his custom made windscreens called “The Difference” that fit perfectly in a Manx Rollbar. We have Yellow, Red, and a Green available for a $100.00 donation. If you would like to make one of the beautiful as well as useful windscreens yours, please donate $100.00 to the PayPal account. Don’t forget to give us the color you want & your address in the notes section.
We have a bunch of the Ole Red Save the Texas Dune Buggy stickers that are about 6″ in diameter available & they would look great on your trailer or Daily Driver! One can be yours for a $10.00 donation. ALL Profits go to cover the costs for our cause. (Ron, our Lobbyist needs to get paid & to purchase new items to sell.) You can pay by Paypal. Again, we need to know your address.
We have some really nice Black “Trucker” Hats available for a $35.00 Donation each! All Hats are Adjustable, Black with Black mesh in the back. You can choose the color Graphic that you would like on the front. We have Blue Graphics, Red Graphics, Lime Green Graphics, & White Graphics on them. If you would like to make one yours please make a donation to our PayPal Account. Make sure that you let us know what color Graphic you would like & your address.
As many of you know HB-1755 is the bill that House Representative Ed Thompson has introduced to help correct Administrative 217.3. You may also know that Texas Legislation is currently in session and that the next step in the process is for our bill to be heard by the House Transportation Committee. At that time public testimony is almost always solicited on bills; allowing citizens the opportunity to present arguments on different sides of an issue. When a House Committee holds a public hearing during a legislative session they must post a notice of 5 days before the hearing. What that means to you and I is that we will get 5 calendar days to plan to be at the hearing where bill HB 1755 is read for the first time. If you want to join us, you had better get your Sunday go to Meeting clothes ready now. (I will wear a Suit & Tie) The House Transportation Committee consists of 13 Members. Below I have listed all of the Members on that Committee, the District they are in & the Counties they represent. We are not limiting people from joining us, but it would be nice to have people that they represent in attendance. It is not prudent to have a ton of people talk as time is limited, but we will decide who fits our narrative best when we get a list of people who can attend the hearing when it is scheduled. Texas House of Representatives Transportation Committee. Chair – Terry Canales (Democrat) – District 40 – Hidalgo (Part) Vise Chair – Brooks Landgraf (Republican) – District 81 – Andrews, Winkler, Ector Diego Bernal (Democrat) – District 123 – Bexar Yvonne Davis (Democrat) – District 111 – Dallas (Part) Craig Goldman (Republican) – District 97 – Tarrant (Part) Cole Hefner (Republican) – District 5 – Camp, Morris, Rains, Smith (Part), Titus, Wood Matt Krause (Republican) – District 93 – Tarrant (Part) Ben Leman (Republican) – District 13 – Austin, Burlson, Colorado, Fayette, Grimes, Lavaca, Washington Armando Martinez (Democrat) – District 39 – Hidalgo (Part) Evelina “Lina” Ortega (Democrat) – District 77 – El Paso John Raney (Republican) – District – 14 – Brazos Shawn Thierry (Democrat) – District 146 – Harris (Part) Ed Thompson (Republican) – District 29 – Brazoria In addition, if you live in any of the above districts please email me your Name, City/County you live in & your Phone Number so that we can compile a list for each where they have constituents living in their specific District.
Today we took a little trip up to Austin to sit in on the Senate
Transportation Committee Hearing. They never once mentioned Save the
Texas Dune Buggy, Sandrail & Kitcar, or The Assembled Vehicles
Coalition. That’s okay, as we didn’t expect them to at this point. But
they did see us in the room, and it looked like a couple of people had a
pretty good idea who we were.
Kuntz & Brewster were both in attendance & even spoke a little, but again it had nothing to do with our issue.
We may not have heard anything to do with bill HB-1755, but we did hear a couple of VERY interesting statements.
One Executive for TxDOT spoke of the dangers & even deaths due to
situations like Impaired Driving, Distracted Driving, Driver
inattention, Following too Close, Disregarding a Stop Sign or Signal
Light, & Speeding. But never once did he make mention of a Dune
Buggy, Sandrail, Kitcar, or ANY specific Vehicle for that matter as
being dangerous.
We also heard the Executive Director of TxDOT
talk about how a SEATBELT is so important in regards to the SAFETY of a
vehicle. He went on and on about how a SEATBELT was the most important
SAFETY device that is employed on a vehicle & NEVER once did he
mention anything about how an airbag helped in regards to the safety of a
That being said…… Keep in mind that the TxDMV,
TADA, and others are reading what you write. Does the Dune Buggy,
Sandrail, or Kitcar that you want to legally Title/Register in Texas
have proper Seatbelts in it? As for me, I don’t even have a Rolling
Chassis at the moment. But I have a set of 4 point Seatbelts that I plan
to install when this is all over.